Prof. Victor Kupradze

(2.11. 1903, village Kela -
25.04. 1985, Tbilisi)


1911-1920 Pupil of Kutaisi non-classical secondary school
1922-1927 Student of Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
1927 Diploma in Mathematics, Tbilisi State University
1930-1933 Post-graduate student of V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute (Leningrad)
1935 Doctor in Mathematics, V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute, Leningrad
1939 Conferred the rank of professor


1927-1930 Lecturer at the Chair of Mathematical Analysis and Mechanics of Tbilisi State University and Georgian Industrial Institute
1932-1936 Lecturer at Universities of Moscow, Leningrad and Tbilisi
1933-1935 Senior researcher and scientific secretary of V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute
1935-1941 Director of Mathematical Institute of Georgian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Head of the Chair of Higher Mathematics of Georgian Industrial Institute
1937-1985 Head of the Chair of Differential and Integral Equations of Tbilisi State University
1941-1943 Service in the ranks of Soviet Field Forces Executive secretary of Editorial Board of the military newspaper "Zoldatenvaargait"
1943-1944 Pro-rector of Tbilisi State University
1944-1953 Minister of Education of Georgia
1947-1985 Member of Presidium of the Georgian Academy of Sciences
1954-1958 Rector of Tbilisi State University
1963-1981 Academic Secretary of Mathematics and Physics Department of Georgian Academy of Sciences


Theory of partial differential equations and integral equations, mathematical physics, theory of elasticity, applied mathematics.

General theory of spatial boundary value problems. Basic three-dimensional problems of the mathematical theory of elasticity and thermoelasticity.


Academician of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 1946




1936-1944 Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk"
1937-1941 Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Trudy Tbiliss. Matematicheskogo Instituta".
1940 Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Soobshchenia Gruzinskogo Filiala Academii Nauk SSSR".
1950-1954 Member of Editorial Board of Explanatory Dictionary of Georgian Language.
1954-1958 Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Trudy Tbiliss. Univ."
1962 Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Trudy Tbiliss. Univ., Ser. Mechanics and Mathematis
1965-1985 Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Differentsial'nye Uravneniya"
1968-1983 Member of Editorial Board of the journal "Soobshchenia AN GSSR"
1965-1985 Member of Editorial Board of Georgian Soviet Encyclopaedia
1976-1982 Member of Editorial Board of the bibliographic series "Georgian Scientists" Tbilisi, "Metsniereba"
1978-1984 Member of Editorial Board of the "Journal of Thermal Stresses"



(i) Monographs

  1. Basic problems of the mathematical theory of diffraction (Stationary processes). (Russian) L.-M., Central Publishing Company of technical Literature, 1935, pp. 111.
  2. Boundary value problems of the oscillation theory and integral equations. (Russian) M.-L., State Publishing House of technical and theoretical Literature, 1950, pp. 280.
  3. Fundamental problems in the mathematical theory of diffraction. Los Angeles, 1952.
  4. Randwertaufgaben der Schwingungstheorie und integralgleichongen. (German) Berlin, Veb Deutscher verlag der Wissenschaften, 1956, pp. 239.
  5. Methods of a potential in the theory of elasticity. (Russian) M., Fizmatgiz, 1963, pp. 472.
  6. Dynamical problems in elasticity. North-Holland Publ. Comp., Amsterdam, 1963, pp. 259. (N. Sneddon and R. Hill Editors. Progress in Solid Mechanics, v. 111).
  7. Potential Methods in the Theory of Elasticity. Israel Program of Scientific translations, Jerusalem, 9(1965), pp. 340.
  8. Metody teorii potenciatu w teorii sprezystosci. Zaklad Narodowy imienia ossolinskich wydawnictwo. Polskiej Akademii nauk, Wroclaw-Warszawa-Krakow, 1966, pp. 203.
  9. Three-dimensional Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. (Russian) Tbilisi, Gos. Yniversitet, 1968, pp. 627 (with T. G. Gegelia, M. O. Basheleishvili, T. V. Burchuladze)
  10. Wybrane zagadnienia teorii spresystosci i termosprezystosci. Zaklad Narodowy imienia ossolinskich wydawnictwo. Polskiej Akademii nauk, Wroclaw-Warszawa-Krakow, 1970, pp. 348.
  11. Lectures in modern problems of the mathematical theory of elasticity. Tbilisi University Press, Tbilisi, 1974, pp. 116.
  12. The Dynamical Problems of the theory of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. (Russian) Current problems in mathematics. vol. 7 (Russian), Moskow, 1975, pp. 132 (with T. V. Burchuladze)
  13. Three-dimensional Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. (Russian) Moscow, Nauka, 1976, pp. 663 (with T. G. Gegelia, M. O. Basheleishvili, T. V. Burchuladze)
  14. Three-dimensional Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. North-Holland Publ. Comp., Amsterdam, 1979, pp. 929 (with T. G. Gegelia, M. O. Basheleishvili, T. V. Burchuladze)

    (ii) Papers

  15. On the definition of Green, Neumann and Klein functions for some simple domains. (Georgian) Izv. Tbiliss. Univ., 9(1929), 219-240.
  16. To the question on distribution of elastic waves at the boundary of two elastic media with different elastic properties (with S. L. Sobolev). (Russian) Trudy Seismologich. Inst. Acad, Nauk SSSR, 1930, No. 10, 1-23.
  17. Über die Fortpflanzung der elastischen Schwingungen in Festen Medien. (German) Trudy Mezhdunarodn. Seismicheskoi Conf. v Leningrade, L., 1930, 131-137.
  18. On Mathie-Hankel's functions. (Russian) Trudy Fiz.-Mat. Inst. im. V. A. Steklova Acad. Nauk SSSR, 4(1933), 77-86.
  19. Difrazione della onde elastiche sopra un contorno ellittico. Atti della reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, ser. XI, XVIII(1933), fas. 3-4, 130-139.
  20. Integral equations for electromagnetic waves. (Russian) Doklady AN SSSR, 1(1934), No. 4, 161-165.
  21. The method of integral equations in diffraction theory. (Russian) Mat. Sbornik, 41(1934), 4, 561-581.
  22. Some problems of diffraction in the theory of elasticity. (Russian) Trudy Fiz.-Mat. Inst. im. V.A. Steklov AN SSSR, 5(1934), 295-350.
  23. On A. Zommerfeld's "radiation principle". (Russian) Doklady AN SSSR, 1(1934), No. 2, 52-58.
  24. Solution of boundary value problems of Helmholtz equations in extraordinary cases. (Russian) (Doklady AN SSSR, 2(1934), No. 9, 521-526.
  25. The existence and uniqueness theorems in the diffraction theory.. (Russian) (Doklady AN SSSR, 1(1934), No. 5, 235-240.
  26. The method of integral equations in the diffraction theory. (Russian) Mat. Sbornik, 41(1935), 4, 561-581.
  27. Generalized "radiation principle" in the theory of elasticity. (Russian) (Doklady AN SSSR, 2(1935), No. 1, 14-19.
  28. The uniqueness theorem in stationary boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity. (Russian) (Doklady AN SSSR, 2(1935), No. 2, 100-102.
  29. On Some singular integral equations of mathematical physics. (Russian) Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 1936, 2, 196-237.
  30. Distribution of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous medium. (Russian) (Doklady AN SSSR, I(1936), No. 1, 6-8.
  31. The uniqueness theorem in boundary value problems of the stationary theory of elasticity. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Univ., 2(1936), 256-272.
  32. To the investigation of electromagnetic oscillations in a plane inhomogeneous field. (Russian) (Doklady AN SSSR, XVI(1937), No. 3, 173-176.
  33. Distribution of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous medium. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. mat. Inst., 1(1937), 115-123.
  34. The solution of general problem of diffraction of electromagnetic waves. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., 2(1937), 143-162. Doklady AN SSSR, XVI(1937), No. 1, 31-34.
  35. Zur Frage der Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer Wellen in einem inhomogenen ebenen Medium. Composito Mathematica, 6(1938), fac. 2, p. 228-234.
  36. Some new applications of the resolvent theory to the boundary value problems of the potential theory. (Russian) Doklady AN SSSR, XXIII(1939), No. 1, 7-14.
  37. To the solution of Dirichlet problem for multi-connected domain. (Russian) Soobshch. Gruz. Filiala AN SSSR, 1(1940), No. 8, 569-571.
  38. Duality theorem in radiotelegraphy. (Russian) Soobshch. Gruz. Filiala AN SSSR, 1(1940), No. 8, 573-576.
  39. The uniqueness theorem in the theory of distribution of electromagnetic harmonic oscillations in an inhomogeneous three-dimensional space (with D. Z. Avazashvili). (Russian) Soobshch. Gruz. Filiala AN SSSR, 1(1940), No. 1, 35-41.
  40. To the theory of integral equations with the integral in the sense of the Cauchy principal value. First Communication. (Russian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 2(1941), No. 1-2, 23-28.
  41. To the theory of integral equations with the integral in the sense of the Cauchy principal value. Second communication. (Russian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 2(1941), No. 3, 227-232.
  42. To the theory of integral equations with the integral in the sense of the Cauchy principal value. (Russian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, (Russian) 2(1941), No. 7, 587-596.
  43. On the equivalence problem in the theory of singular integral equations. (Russian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 2(1941), No. 9, 793-798.
  44. Duality theorem in wireless telegraphy. (Russian) Izv. Gruz. Industr. Inst. im. S.M. Kirova, 1941, Book 14, 103-108.
  45. On one composition formula of singular integrals. ( Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Univ., XXIII(1942), 159-164.
  46. To the theory of systems of singualr integral equations. (Russian) Izv. Gruz. Industr. Inst. im. S.M. Kirova, 1943, No. 15, 2-13.
  47. The Noether theorems for systems of singular integral equations. (Russian) Izv. Gruz. Industr. Inst. im. S.M. Kirova, 1943, No. 1 (15), 315-321.
  48. Some new theorems on the oscillation theorem and their application to boundary value problems. (Russian) Trudy Tbil. Univ., XXVI(1945), 1-11.
  49. Solution of the basic boundary value problem in displacements for oscillations of elastic medium. (Georgian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 9(1941), No. 2, 99-105.
  50. Spatial dynamic problem of the theory of elasticity with prescribed displacements on the boundary. (Russian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 10(1949), No. 1, 3-8.
  51. Spatial dynamic problem of the theory of elasticity with prescribed stresses on the boundary. (Russian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 10(1949), No. 5, 259-264.
  52. Spatial problem of elastic body oscillation with prescribed displacements on the boundary. (Russian) (Doklady AN SSSR, 67(1949), No. 2, 233-236.
  53. Some new remarks to the theory of singular integral equations. (Russian) Trudy Tbil. Univ., 42(1951), 1-23.
  54. Boundary value problems of the theory of stationary elastic oscillations. (Russian) Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 8(1953), 3, 21-74.
  55. New integral equations of the theory of elasticity of anisotropic bodies (with M. Basheleishvili). (Georgian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 15(1954), No. 6, 407-414.
  56. New integral equations of the anisotropic theory of elasticity and their application to the solution of boundary value problems (with M. Basheleishvili). (Georgian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 15(1954), No. 7, 495-502.
  57. On some new works in the mathematical theory of elasticity at the Tbilisi University. ( Russian) Trudy III Vsesojuznogo Mat. s'ezda, Moscow, 1956. Review reports. M., Izd. AN SSSR, 3(1958), 453-462.
  58. To the theory of boundary value problems for inhomogeneous elastic bodies. The basic equivalence theorem. (Georgian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 22(1959), No. 4, 401-408.
  59. On boundary value problems of elasticity for piecewise inhomogeneous bodies. Deduction of fundamental equations. (Georgian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 22(1959), No. 2, 129-136.
  60. On boundary value problems of elasticity for piecewise inhomogeneous bodies. Proof of the existence theorem. (Georgian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 22(1959), No. 3, 265-271.
  61. On boundary value problems of elasticity for piecewise inhomogeneous bodies. (Georgian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 22(1959), No. 5, 521-528.
  62. New boundary value problems of elasticity. (Russian) Trudy Tbil. Univ., 76(1959), 1-41.
  63. The method of singular integral equations in the spatial theory of elasticity. (Russian) Trudy Vsesojuzn. s'ezda po teoretich. i prikl. mekhanike, 1960. M.-L., Izd. AN SSSR, 1962, 374-383.
  64. Singular integral equations and boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity. (Russian) Trudy Tbil. Univ., 84(1962), 63-75.
  65. On one approximate method of solution of some boundary value problems (with M. Aleksidze). (Georgian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 30(1963), No. 5, 529-535.
  66. General mixed boundary value problem of the theory of elasticity and the potential theory (with T. Burchuladze). (Russian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 33(1963), No. 1, 27-34.
  67. The method of functional equations for an approximate solution of some boundary value problems (with M. Aleksidze). (Russian) Zhurn. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz., 4(1964), No. 4, 683-715.
  68. On one method of an approximate solution of limiting problems of mathematical physics. (Russian) Zhurn. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz., 4(1964), No. 6, 1118-1121.
  69. Potential methods in the theory of elasticity. (Russian) In: Prilozhenia teorii funktsii v mekhanike sploshnoi sredy. Trudy Mezhdunarodn. Simposiuma, Tbilisi, 1963. Solid mechanics, M., Nauka, 1(1965), 211-216.
  70. On the completeness of some classes of functions. (Russian) Soobshch. AN GSSR, 37(1965), No. 2, 257-258.
  71. On the approximate solution of problems of mathematical physics. (Russian) Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 22(1967), 2, 59-107.
  72. On the fundamental existence theorems of the spatial theory of elasticity. (Russian) "Differentsial'nye Uravneniya", 3(1967), No. 5, 707-721.
  73. Boundary value problems of thermoelasticity. (Russian) "Differentsial'nye Uravneniya", 5(1969), No. 1, 3-43.
  74. Boundary value problems of thermoelasticity (with T. Burchuladze). (Russian) "Differentsial'nye Uravneniya", 5(1969), No. 1, 3-43.
  75. Some problems of thermoelasticity which are solvable in quadratures. I. (with T. Burchuladze). (Russian) "Differentsial'nye Uravneniya", 5(1969), No. 10, 1735-1761.
  76. Some problems of thermoelasticity which are solvable in quadratures. II. (with T. Burchuladze). (Russian) "Differentsial'nye Uravneniya", 5(1969), No. 11, 1923-1939.
  77. Über numerische Verfahren der Potential und der Elastisitatsthearie. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 49(1969), No. 1/2, 1-9.
  78. Solution of dynamical problems of the theory of elasticity (with T. Burchuladze). (Russian) Seminar Inst. Prikl. Mat. Tbil. Univ. Abstract., Tbilisi, 1970, 67-77.
  79. Proof of the existence and calculation of solutions of fundamental mixed problems of dynamics of a three-dimensional elastic body of an arbitrary form (with T. Burchuladze). (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst. im. A. M. Razmadze, 3. Collected papers in Equation of Math. Phys., 1971, 23-42.
  80. On dynamic problems of the theory of elasticity (with T. Burchuladze). In: Trends in Elasticity and Thermoelasticity (W. Nowacki Anniv. Volume). Volters-Noordhoff Publishing, Groningen, 1971, 138-149.
  81. To the solution of three-dimensional mixed boundary value problem of the elasticity theory. (Russian) In: Continuum Mechanics and Related problems of analysis. To the 80th birthday of N.I. Muskhelishvili, M., Nauka, 1972, 267-271.
  82. On one direct method of solution of boundary value problems of the mathematical physics. (Russian) In: Problems of Mathematical Physics and Computational Mathematics. M., Nauka, 1977, 195-199.
  83. To the solution of external problems of electrodynamics. (Russian) In: Complex Analysis and Its Applications. Dedicated to Acad. I.V. Vekua's 70th Birthday. M., Nauka, 1978, 284-294.


  1. Kupradze Victor Dmitrievich. In: Biographical Dictionary of Honoured Scientists of Natural Sciences and Engineering. V. I. A.-L., M., "Big Soviet Encyclopaedia", 1958.
  2. A.V. Bitsadze, N.P. Erugin, V.I. Krylov. Viktor Dmitrievich Kupradze (To the 70th Birthday). Differentsial'nye Uravneniya, IX(1973), No. 11, 2105-2111.
  3. The USSR Academy of Sciences and Development of Georgian Science. 1924-1974. Tbilisi, "Metsniereba", 1974.
  4. Transactions of Tbilisi University, V. A 8 (153), Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 1974. Dedicated to Academician of the Georgian Academy of Sciences V.D. Kupradze (To his 70th Birthday).
  5. Jubilee of Scientists. Soobshch. AN GSSR, 73(1974), No. 1.
  6. Kupradze Victor Dmitrievich. In: Borodin A.I., Bugai A.S. Biographical Dictionary of Scientists in Mathematics. Kiev, "Radjanska Shkola", 1979.
  7. Kupradze Victor Dmitrievich. Georgian Soviet Encyclopaedia, V. 6, 1983, p. 77.
  8. T.V. Burchuladze, N.P. Vekua, T.G. Gegelia, N.P. Erugin, I.T. Kiguradze, L.D.Kudrjavtsev, A.G.Sveshnikov. Victor Dmitrievich Kupradze. Differentsial'nye Uravneniya, XXI(1985), No. 11, 2018-2019.
  9. Victor Kupradze. Biobibliography, Tbilisi, "Metsniereba", 1986, pp. 104.